Plymouth comes alive in the sunshine, and the blue skies and warmer weather of the last few
days signal spring around the corner. After months of rainy days and deadline stress, why not
spread some joy and boost your mood by getting involved in some charity work? Here’s what’s happening - and how you can help - this month.
The Big Rockpool Challenge: 15th March and 12th April
Plymouth Uni has a large community of ocean and environmental scientists and none can make it a full three years without hearing about citizen science. Appease your lecturers and become an amateur rocky shore surveyor for a day with the Big Rock Pool Challenge at Mount Batten. The event is a community-driven project with a healthy dose of competition, as you race other teams to identify as many species as possible. There are two dates in the calendar over the next month or so, giving you plenty of opportunities to get out into the sunshine, enjoy the beach, and support local conservation efforts. To find out more about this and other local conservation projects, check out our article "Science needs YOU!: Marine citizen science in Plymouth" by Luke Kendall.
Pub Quiz for Papyrus: 28th March
Test your trivia skills (or your ability to guess wildly) at Timbervault and raise money for Papyrus, a youth suicide prevention charity. Papyrus works to transform the lives of those struggling with thoughts of suicide by breaking down stigma surrounding mental health. There’s a bar (obviously), prizes up for grabs, and all proceeds go towards a 24/7 helpline, crisis first aid training, and mental health resources for schools and colleges. Bring snacks, friends, and your weirdest niche knowledge for a great night for a great cause!
Band Night for a Brilliant Cause: 29th March
Love live music? Head to Home Park for a band night in aid of the Southwest Penninsula
Children’s Surgical Unit. As of February 2024, a dedicated children’s surgical unit was expanded in Plymouth to include admissions spaces for children with additional needs and three high-quality operating theatres. This new unit has helped to alleviate the increased pressure on surgical pathways post-COVID, and is working with Bristol Children’s Hospital to ensure young people from the peninsula receive treatment close to home. Expect four and a half hours of funk, soul and rock, a buzzing atmosphere and an opportunity to make a difference, all for under £20.
Plymouth Soup Run: Ongoing
Money is tight at this time of year and if you’re looking for a free way to impact the community,
Plymouth Soup Run is always looking for volunteers. Every night, dedicated volunteers from the Mayflower Rotary Club and City Bus pack and distribute food, clothes and sleeping bags for rough sleepers. Managed by the Salvation Army, the group supports some of Plymouth’s most vulnerable people, 365 days a year. Shifts are flexible, you’ll meet some amazing people, and go home knowing you’ve made a difference. Sign-up is available on the Plymouth Soup Run website.
Student-Led Volunteering (SLV) with UPSU - Ongoing
Fancy getting your hands dirty this March? Help out with habitat maintenance and species
identification at Tulgey Woods, a ten-acre community project in the heart of Plymouth. Prefer sports? The Special Olympics team run a weekly multi-sports club, providing inclusive, safe and fun access to sports for people with intellectual disabilities. Primary volunteering days are Wednesdays and Sundays, perfect for working around your student schedule. All the details are listed on UPSU’s What’s On page.
Giving back doesn’t just help the community, it’s a chance to grow, connect, and be part of
something bigger. With so many ways to get involved and get outside this spring, there’s no better time to make a difference - for Plymouth, for others, and for yourself.
Image courtesy of Plymouth Soup Run.